
Monday, April 19, 2010


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Monday, April 12, 2010

Powerful Praying

"Lord, will you speak? Will you move today?"
We were in the middle of worship time, and I felt the presence of the Lord.
He said, "Humble yourself before Me and I will speak."
I knew He wanted me to do some special praying about this for several days.
I said, "Lord, I humble myself before You right now."

Sometimes we don't come ready to worship. We forget who we are in Christ. He has promised, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst." It doesn't matter if it is a small group or a large one. It matters how we come into His presence.
God still looks at us as the ones His Son bought when He died on the cross for us. We are wearing new garments, and He sees us as His children. He wants to communicate with us but His ways are higher than our ways. He requires that we take up our cross and follow Him.
Remember Daniel? He was told not to pray, and he kept on three times a day. He was soon in dire trouble because he was thrown in the lions' den for praying. He was rescued because angels intervened.

Isaiah portrays God as Holy and having unsearchable understanding. His ways are higher than ours, and that requires a more worshipful frame of mind if we want to see Him move in our midst.

Repentance and humility come when we get serious about wanting a move of God to happen in our midst. Someone said once, "Draw a circle around yourself and start praying for revival." Too often we are apathetic, religious, and not ready to worship or pray. It is a powerless problem that grieves the Holy Spirit.

When we plug-in to God and repent with true humility, our prayers will become powerful and mighty to pulling down of strongholds. Our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with spiritual beings that don't want us to hear, learn or pray. Our battle is often with ourself who doesn't want to give in to the presence of God. We become stubborn and don't give Him everything.
Singing to the Lord will change the very atmosphere around you. Speaking the Word out loud in your church will change the atmosphere also, as you pray. I find passages that will fit the situation and pray them back to God, because this is the weapon He has given us to use. As a sword, the Word of God is powerful to the pulling down of strongholds. It is a hammer and a fire that will not return void.

Circumstances often happen to dictate whether we will bow the knee or not. We become as hardened as the disciples were after Jesus' death and burial. They didn't believe the reports that Jesus had risen until He appeared to them. This year I have noticed how hard hearted I become after things don't happen.

Sometimes God wants us to just sit down with Him and get quiet. That means go to the church if you can't cut the television off. Sometimes He wants us to open the Word and read it for ourselves. God brings comfort and His love is there for the asking.

If you have been praying for years about church growth, revival and people coming to Christ, then join a friend and start praying. After the requests are made, then worship the Lord and begin to sit in His presence. Meet daily for an hour and see if this helps.

People often come to me with a prayer request. Sometimes the request takes me three days to pray through with them about the situation. I pray in agreement about the situation right there and we go our way. God brings them to mind over and over the next three days. Many times He answers. Sometimes the situation doesn't change, but the person for whom I pray has more peace and joy where there was none.
Let's Pray:
Father, I have opened my heart again to you. My burden is that I want You to move in a powerful way and to begin with me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.