
Monday, April 19, 2010


Did you know that there is another blog you can go to that has more of my writing and pictures? Go to There are more recent paintings and writings that are more frequent. See you there .


Anonymous said...

I considered a visit to your church but must decline, FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. Why would our LORD say this to us? Please for the glory of our LORD and your own salvation, read the 1st chapter of JAMES, if you prefer shorter reading then just read verses 21-27 of The Gospel of JAMES and then back it up with Revelations Chapter 14 verse 13.

Anonymous said...

Many will perish and lose their salvation because of false teachings. I have read and anonymous, has spoken the truth as it is documented in the KING JAMES VERSION of the BIBLE. Woe to those that lead our FATHERS children astray.